Sunday, September 22, 2013

Dazu, Bless You

I like watching people I love when they're asleep.
Does that sound creepy?
Don't answer that.

The Sleeping Buddha
Such envy the pale segments,
Those eyelids, inspire,
Such peace, little slices
Into the dark and day, what they
Shut us away from, your dear dreams.
Would I were there in those waves,
Sweet sleeping one, how I would
Venture. Your serene lips, lids, closing
Me from your visions. Where do you fly,
Sweet baby, so late all my own?
What tugs the edges of the skin at your eyes,
Your mouth (I helped form them),
What happiness am I outside of?
All this about you is only mine
To marvel over this night.


Slothrop said...

Love this one. A lot. Has a new element - a more stately rhythm, almost undulating?

"Venture"...perfect word in every way. Adventure, vent (eyes, lips)...really evokes that tension you feel when your child, usually so vocal, softly shuts those doors on you. And you're awed by the magnitude of what truly lies beyond there. You control every minute of her day, can't you press it farther, venture, you can't, & shouldn't.

Really astonishing. Reminds me of the sunset purple of my daughter's eyelids when she sleeps (she's 8 now) & the new one soon to come! A beautiful preview, thanks!

Anonymous said...

Damned good. Love how "venture" is the end of the sentence yet the first word of the line. Nice preface. Poem is mesmerizing, about the mesmerized. Evocative, yearning,


Anonymous said...

disoctp 50I was hoping for a Thanksgiving musing. I would have been thankful for that.